Friday, February 10, 2006

Our existence

God's blessings on all of you and your near & dear ones,
This is another one in series of "Spiritual" articles to stir our mind...who knows what small thought clicks, as a popular ad-line goes: "An Idea can change your life !!!". So here it goes...
At various places u read articles on WHAT IS EGO, MIND and SOUL? These things seem too complex, time-wasting unnecessary hypothetical theories but are infact very obvious. You just need a serious thought to see the tacit proclaimations being made in various spiritual texts. Let's have a look at our overall body structure as numerous spiritual pieces put it. The human body is made of 9 elements, 5 of which are Physical, another 3 Logical and last one Divine. All 9 elements are actually various forms of the one & only supremal element UNIFIED CONCIOUSNESS. Let us take a look...
First 5 are so called "elements of Nature" - EARTH matter (our body minerals & overall chemical structure...BioChemistry!), AIR matter (the air within our body exists as 5 loosely connected regions which have effect on our Neuro-Muscular system), FIRE matter (our Metabolic heat, Body heat & Overall atomic field of our body atoms' Energy), WATER matter (Body Fluids...which also affect our Water is considered to be vulnerable to all radiation & gravitational forces from all planets & Stars of this universe) & SKY-ETHER matter (our Mental faculties...activities associated with capability of our bodies to act as Wireless,Mediumless Communication...and all those parapsychological stuff !!!). Right ?! These 5 elements thus make for our physical aspects. Our Aura (i.e. the casing of energy around us) is also caused by these 5 elements and reflects all activities taking within us, in form of Energy-pattern. This Energy-pattern better reflects the gross total of overall experiences gained by a Soul till that moment. For the next 3 elements, we have Ego, Mind and Intelligence. # "Ego" or "Ego-profile" is the our identification of ourselves as a particular person...Mr. or Ms. a male or a rich or an intelligent or a a white or black person...a combination of all these. We identify ourselves as a set of values for each physical & social we define ourselves as Name=Kumar, Relegion=Hindu, Occupation=Engineer, Belief="I am the most smart, most intelligent, most good-natured fellow..etc.", Colour=Wheatish, Weight=5'8''...and so on. It's like "a set of parameters" (hence called Ego-profile or Mental Personality) mapped on a soul. People with "Multiple-personality" disorders are infact those who have multiple Ego-profiles loaded on same soul...where each conflicts to attain control of Mind and causes to see itself as a different person.
# "Mind" is kinda system software, the basic-controller/strategist of the body. It is mind that keeps a gross total of all experiences learned in all previous births. It controls functioning of Brain which in turn controls the whole body.It is mind that maps Ego-profile to is mind that decides HOW to analyse things, HOW to respond. So, if you control your Mind, you have a better control on all aspects of your body. Mind operates in realm of "what causes this world" i.e. the basic paradox of existence of "solidified-energy-particles" that form the universe ! Thus it has both a Psychological (natural) side as well as a Parapsychological (supernatural) side to it.
# "Intelligence" is ability to relate all events around us in terms of cause-and-effect, to compare things relatively.
The 9th element is Divine element in Human Body known as "Soul", which is our identification of our existence as a "being". A soul sees itself as a different entity from another soul, though they both are in illusion of having an existence...and upon that separate individual existence!!! Soul is an element of Divinity that pertains to a specific body.A soul does get affected by Ego-profiles it acquires in different births. The purpose of soul is to come out of the illusion of its existence, to cross-over from a sense of being "just an individual entity" to realizing it's true nature as OMNIPRESENT-OMNISCIENT-EVEREXISTING UNIFIED CONCIOUSNESS(big term!! I know but even this doesn't suffice). A Drop in the Ocean has a false illusion of a separate existence, similarily this SOUL can't claim itself different from DIVINE. Ghosts are beings that don't have a physical body( i.e. the first 5 elements) while a Soul in its true sense doesn't associate itself with a particular Body or Ego-profile. But as said earlier, it does carries the overall summation of thoughts, habits, Karma of all previous births (each of which had a different Ego-profile). SOUL is contained not just in a body, it exists in all dimensions of world, be it time or space. It is a mindless, innocent existence unlike ghosts which associate themselves to usually their last ego-profile (last birth).
The supremal element UNIFIED CONCIOUSNESS is DIVINE GOD who can't be exactly described in words because GOD is one limitless element in all aspects. God is just a term for what I just wrote as OMNIPRESENT-OMNISCIENT-EVEREXISTING UNIFIED CONCIOUSNESS. We depending on our social parameters (read Relegion) of present Ego-profile take alternative names of Ishvar, Allah, Sat-Shree-Akaal, God... but does that make a difference?! GOD is indeed our primary element and of everything around us. In straight words, WE ARE GOD AND EVERYTHING AROUND US IS ALSO GOD. In multiple levels of Illusions, you first fall to think yourself as Just-a-Soul, then you develop a Mind, then begins the cycle of EGO-profiles accompanied by Physical Body. The cause of the birth-cycle is your belief in this illusory world and related unfulfilled desires. It is all only DIVINE ELEMENT which exhibits itself as Conciousness, as Physical aspect and also Spiritual aspect, which means all other 8 elements are derivatives or result of DIVINE element. Our purpose is thus too realize our elemental-existence as DIVINE i.e to realize it's just you all around and thus Love yourself. Enjoy your Divine Beauty!!!
This article though long, I hope shows you a better view of yourself from all perspectives be it Biological aspect, Psychological, Parapsychological, Spiritual or Divine. Well give a thought to all above while more such "FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT" comes...


Shwetank said...

Check this out if you haven't already:

RAM H. DARYANI said...

You have done a good job. Also your mind is clear about the basics. We all need persons like you. God Bless you.